FLEX®Wipes Disinfectant wipes are a heavy duty disinfectant cleaner that cleans, disinfects and deodorizes in one labor saving step.
Deodorizes by killing bacteria that cause offensive odors.
A proven "one-step" disinfectant - cleaner which is effective in the presence of 5% serum contamination.
Substrate: Hydroknit Wood Pulp / Polypropylene (70%/30%)
Use FLEX®Wipes Disinfectant Wipes as a disinfectant on hard non-porous surfaces in dental offices, hospitals, medical offices, nursing homes, daycare centers, cafeterias, colleges, correctional facilities, exercise facilities, health clubs, institutional facilities, locker rooms, prisons, public facilities, publicrestrooms, schools, shower and bath areas, sick rooms, and ships.
8" x 7"